Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day # 11 Host family

Today was the beginning of an amazing day. I finished packing and went down to breakfast, after breakfast I had to go back up to the Pastoral center to make sure that my bags made it on the buss. At 8:30 we headed into the center of the island to the multipurpose center where we would then be meeting are host families. We sat at tables as the host families trickled in. It was a strange feeling but everyone was very exited and the atmosphere was grate. As they called us up one at a time were where matched with are families. My host mother is an amazing woman, she and her husband run an egg factory, they raise the chickens, collect the eggs, clean and distribute them along with having 3 children.  When I fist arrived to the lime colored house I already felt like I was home. I was greeted by two young girls one 12 and one 10 the other was a five year old boy who fell in love with me right away. She showed me to my room. It was a crazy happy moment for me when I opened my door and the light was so strong, happy and calming, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The colors and textures of the room are amazing and over look the island. When I was done she gave me a tour of the premises. I got to see where all of the chickens are kept, fed and the eggs are cleaned. All of the men working inside are very nice and I cant wait to go and get dirty and learn the egg triad in my spare time. My host mother also showed me all of what the islanders call ground previsions (things that come from the ground) all of the roots, spices and fruits. After that was done we went back to Castries market to get food. It was an amazing process that we went through to get good prices and qualities of fruits, fish and everything ells you can think of. It was a different vibe on Saturday compared to sunday and the week days. They had a street market and people where playing music, dancing and selling more things than I had seen before at that market. I had my first coconut and jelly. They chop the top off and you drink the  water inside after that you give i back and they cut it in half and create a spoon for you so you can eat the jelly from the inside. Its like chewing on a jelly fish but its refreshing after walking a long time in the sun. When we returned home I made dinner. My host mom helped me but I did everything, it was potatoes and chicken and salad. I also made sweet apple juice, blended the apples, sugar and strained it. Everything is better for you because you make it yourself. I am going to be a healthy cooking pro when I get all done with the Peace Corps. We had a good talk after dinner and then I when into my room so that I could blog and get some sleep for church in the morning. Yes we had that talk and  think that we are all on the same page. I think I am going to like church every now and then so that I can meet some new people and here the music. Any ways I am so exited for tomorrow.

goodnight people            

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